Tuesday, February 12, 2008

~My World is Upside Down~

Ever feel like this???? I have and I do!!
I have been busy and I must confess that all I have been doing is "foolin' around"....:) But ya know what? I think that sometimes in life WE all need to simply have fun. Now, don't misconstrue my message here.... I have not had the pleasure of a Hawaiian vacation, or a trip to Italy so don't get all jazzed. I have just been "goofin' off".....I am not even sure I can explain it. Suffice it to say I have dust bunnies hiding, laundry piling and bills stacking as high as the redwoods.......BUT......in all this confusion I have been able to delude myself and rationalize to DH that everything is under control....LMAO;) Hey, life is short and sometimes ya just gotta stop and smell the roses;) As my friend Amy would say, YIPPY SKIPPY!!
Hug Life, Marylou

Monday, February 04, 2008


Okay, you may have seen the game, maybe not, but for me the highlight, after the New York Giants BEAT New England, was this commercial. This was pure brillance, and in my father-in-law's home our small group voted for our own MVP, which was a tie of course:) Thunder and the Dalmation both won;)Click on and enjoy!!
Hug Life, Marylou