Friday, June 01, 2007


I am so "hugging" life......:) Maybe being a newlywed does that to people, but I am so "hugging life" and am not gonna let go....:) No time for DRAMA. I have been around for awhile and I will never understand those who hang on to it, drama!! I have come to the conclusion that there is a reason for this...if, let's say... one feels guilt and angst over something they did or caused, and cannot let it festers inside of their souls and manifests itself guessed it...drama!! The unfortunate result of this occurs when others are hurt by the insecurities and selfish acts perpetrated by the "drama queen" herself...or "drama king"....... whatever the case may be. So, just a shout out to all who may see themselves in this synopsis....wake up, grow up and take responsibility for who you are and for those you have hurt! Thanks for listening to my tirade...I believe those who "need to heed" will know who they are!!! As a wise man once said.. "It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others".
Author: Sidney J. Harris 1917-, American Journalist

1 comment:

a Pocket Angel said...

Hello Marylou, Just wanted to stop in and ask that you please keep Amy (FourSistersInACottage) in your prayers today. She is having a radical bilateral mastectomy surgery.
Thanks so much!:-}~Mary~